Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Stop Motion Animation of Falling

Stop Motion Book Drop

The Book drop was certainly a tedious process, from planning it out to uploading it. I started off by taping the ground. I would tape the different points that the book would be framed at. Once the pictures were taken, the photos were cropped in photoshop so that everything was aligned when eventually played back. After the animation process was started, I would go back to certain frames and adjust not only the spacing but also the timing. Once that was done, I had to find a way to put a gif file on to blogger. The image upload didn't work on here, so I resorted to my trusty photobucket account.

As a side note, I had the book tilt to the left, because I figured the binding on the book would naturally be the weightiest, and fall first.

1 comment:

  1. It's a little slow but otherwise the motion looks pretty good. As for whether or not the book binding would tilt down, it depends on the amount of air resistance. In the initial part of the fall, when the only significant force is gravity, the falling is "weightless" so there's no rotation (unless the book is released with initial rotation, like a brick tipping off a table). Once air resistance builds up, the orientation of the book will probably rotate to fall spine downward.

    Believability: 9 out of 12 points
    Creativity: 6 out of 8 points
    Total: 15 out of 20 points
